Our values


Meeting our customers needs is about fulfilling their demands, at the right time and with the expected quality, but also going beyond expectations when possible.

This relies on the engagement of qualified, enthusiastic women and men
driven by shared values:

Strong customer service

Any project relies on human capital and we act in a constructive collaborative manner to build a strong customer relationship, a key to project success.


In the course of our tasks, we listen to our customers to reflect and fulfill their demands. We are attentive to each other, looking out for a continuous assistance, improvement and the best answer to a given problem, because we are all aware that those interactions help us to grow together.


Our resources expertise (methods and tools) delivers high quality services, a key to success. We steadily improve our know-how, nurturing it with a rigorous quality policy coupled with an industrial approach.

Human capital

Happy employees

AmeXio believes each employee is unique and is attentive to offer them an extensive choice of career and tasks.

Our company provides a work environment promoting professional fulfillment, with regular meetings, sharing and mutual assistance gaps, thematic networking, moderated by leading experts.

A group photo of AmeXio team members in a theater room, seated in two rows, one behind the other. There are 16 people in total.

Promoting diversity

Equal opportunities and preventing discrimination has been a long standing concern at AmeXio.

In IT domain, where women are poorly represented, AmeXio has committed to increasing the presence of women in the digital professions by signing the #ReconversionFemNum Manifesto and by becoming a partner of Social Builder.

The logo for Charte de la Diversite
A round badge with the word 'Engagée pour la reconversion des femmes dans le numérique' written next to two shaking hands.

Convinced that diversity is an asset for the company, AmeXio is a signatory of the Diversity Charter


Mobility and professional development rooted in our DNA

Our continuous growth gives professional development opportunities to those who want to succeed with us.

Whether it concerns geographic mobility, in France or Europe, finding out new activity, functional or technical fields, or even changing position, anything is possible.

Continuous improvement

We are convinced that AmeXio’s success is tightly linked to its employees. We try everyday to keep, develop and put forward every individual skill and provide an personalized monitoring.

In addition to internal or external further training, this is based on biannual thematical meetings on technological watch, workshops and regular customer on-site visit for managers and sales force. Periods between assignments are opportunities to share experiences (feedbacks, good practice identification), acknowledge and develop skills and find new fields.

We are convinced that this leads to a virtuous circle for the company but also for our employees and customers and we wish they can join in and exploit it.

AmeXio’s gender equality index in 2023

AmeXio scored 87 out of 100 on the Gender Equality index.

Other scores for AmeXio:

On the pay gap indicator: 37/40

On the indicator relating to the gap in the rate of individual increases: 35/35

On the indicator relating to the percentage of employees receiving an increase in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15/15

On the indicator relating to the number of employees of the under-represented sex among 10 highest compensation: 0/10

The logo for AmeXio Academy. It's the words AmeXio Academy surrounded by a laurel crown, with a graduation cap underneath the words and a circle with an x in it above.