They said it

Guillaume TRAN THANH

Head of Software Development - DASSAULT AVIATION

Head of Software Development – DASSAULT AVIATION

Migrate Documentum to V7

“We have built our GED skills centre with Amexio. Their expertise on the various solutions of the market and their independence in relation to publishers determined our choice.” – Guillaume TRAN THANH – Head of Software Development

The challenge

Since 2011, Dassault Aviation has been using the ECM Documentum product to manage the lifecycle of its documents, from their creation to the software implementation. This makes it possible to position all the required security necessary in a sector such as Defence, to index the documents relating to aircraft (manufacture, modification, etc.) and to monitor projects, and to find them quickly via secure search engines.

With a V4 version dating back to the 2000s, Dassault Aviation chose to migrate to the V5 version in 2013 to make the necessary technical improvements, that is to say in line with the standards of the Java APIs. With the old version, the company could lose building blocks across the board such as operating systems. A migration was carried out successfully by Amexio.

In 2015, Dassault Aviation faced a new need for documentum migration to the V7, as the V6 was no longer supported. For that, the company once more called on the expertise of Amexio.

The Amexio response

While the server part was quickly migrated, it would be necessary to respecify the interface, as the applications would no longer be the same. Improvements between versions are ergonomic and technical to meet Java API standards. During implementation, Amexio experts first go through an algorithmic verification of the data. They then use the D2 document management solution, dedicated to documents and perfectly adapted to the needs of Dassault Aviation.

Regarding the implemented part, the data migration required a thorough check via the extraction of source and target databases and verification algorithms. The migration to V7 is expected to continue until the end of 2018. It concerns nine applications and three million documents. That’s half of the TMA, the rest being dedicated to application tracking and help to users

Amexio also participated in the construction of Dassault’s GED Competence Centre, to which third-party application maintenance specialists (TMAs) call on technical questions.
